Okay, so it’s true that most people these days are more interested in decreasing the size of their waists than knowing how to get a big butt, but there are many others out there who have the opposite problem. Yes, there are lots of people today who would like to know how to increase the size of their rear end. In fact, there are a lot of folks who believe that a big butt is sexier than one that has no meat on it at all. Now, the question is, how do you add inches and muscle to this part of the body?
How To Get A Big Butt—Eat Your Way There?
Increasing the size of your butt is as simple as doing strength training exercises on a regular basis. But, of course, those exercises must target the muscles of the lower body, namely the glutes. In the same way, it is impossible for anyone to lose weight in targeted areas or specific body parts; it is just as impossible to add weight in a particular area as well. That means you cannot eat your way to a bigger butt without increasing the size of the rest of your body at the same time.
The shape of each part of your body is partially determined by genetics, right? Of course, that’s right, but you can learn to get a big butt with a natural look, even if you don’t want to add inches in other places. Eating right is another factor in helping to increase muscle mass in certain body parts without adding lots of flab and fat at the same time.
You can do some things if you want to discover the right workout routine for a big butt.
• Lower Body Strength Training
Regular lower body strength training exercises performed a minimum of two to three times every week should help you reach your goals. What you will be doing is increasing the amount of muscle while strengthening those same muscles in your buttocks. This is particularly true for the glutes. Along with that, you will also be bringing the muscles into better shape and lifting them into a better position, making them look bigger. An added benefit is that you are also slimming down the thighs during strength training exercises, which will make your butt look bigger. Not bad, right? Well, keep reading.
• Glute Kickbacks
You can work the hamstrings and glutes by doing glute kickbacks. To do this, place a mat on the floor and get onto your hands and knees. Hold your hands about shoulder-width apart and press the toes against the mat. Remember to exhale during this exercise and lift one leg up behind you until the thigh is on the same level as the back. Keeping your knee bent at a 90-degree angle, hold this position for a couple of seconds and then return it to the starting point. Repeat the movement with the other leg. Do ten reps.
• Leg Lifts
You will be working the same muscles as the previous exercise with this one. Standing straight and tall, brace yourself with the back of a chair or other sturdy piece of furniture. With one leg in the starting position, lift the other up and behind you holding for a second. After returning this leg to the starting position, repeat this movement with the other leg. To increase the intensity and effects, wear weights around the ankles. Do ten reps with each leg. That’s a good way on getting started on your journey to get a big butt.
• Outer Leg Lifts
Place a mat on the floor to cushion your knees while on your hands and knees. With your knee still bent, lift your thigh out to your side and hold for a second while exhaling. Repeat this exercise with the other leg. Do ten reps with each leg.
• Butt Lifts
Using a mat to cushion your back, lie on the floor with your back with knees bent, and place your hands beside you. Place your feet about shoulder-width apart, applying pressure with your heels moving your hips up and off the floor. Don’t forget to exhale while performing this exercise and keep your back straight. At the point where your shoulders and hips create a straight line, pause for a second or two before returning again to the starting position. If you want to increase the intensity, try using one leg to perform this exercise. Do ten reps.
• Nutrition
As with any other exercise routine, you should eat a nutritious diet that is loaded with vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. There is no need to be overly restrictive with calories as you learn how to get a big butt because this could have the opposite effect. Your butt could reduce in size rather than enlarging. The ideal foods are those that contain unsaturated fat and protein like peanut butter.
Road To Get A Big Butt Isn’t Easy
I don’t think this is going to be a walk in the park. Remember, though, you have a goal in mind, and you can achieve it if you don’t give up. Some people think there is nothing they can do to get a bigger butt, but that is just not so. Many people believe that the size of your butt is predetermined by genetics.
Of course, your family does have something to do with the size of your body. If you don’t believe that, just take a look around at the families walking around all over the place. You will see skinny families and fat but don’t be fooled by what you see. If you take another look, you will notice that some family members simply look as if they don’t belong. They have the same genetic makeup, but some may be skinny with small butts, and others may have bigger butts and muscles in other places.
How To Get A Big Butt Even When Genetics Say No!
So, what has happened here? Follow those people around, and you are sure to find out. Those with bigger butts are likely to be those that work out in some way or another. They may have a job that requires a lot of lifting, or they may be involved with active sports. Working the right muscles will lift them rather than letting them fall wherever they may. It will also make for greater muscle mass which will make the butt look bigger.
How to get a big butt? The truth is that you can follow any family around, even those that look the most alike, and you will find that there are differences in their physiques. The only answer for that has to be these people are doing something different from each other. This should be enough to tell you that you can learn how to build a big butt if you want to.
That means that if you are willing to use the exercise workouts suggested above, you can have the bigger, sexier butt you have always wanted. Just be sure that you do the exercises correctly and increase the intensity with weights as they become easier to accomplish. You will be glad you stuck with it once you start noticing how good you look.
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