Because most of our movements are naturally forward and backward, the inner thighs are often neglected and underworked. Luckily, there are exercises that specifically target this area. Keep in mind that “thigh gap” should not be your ultimate goal here.
That is reserved for a very specific body type and not attainable to most women, but fit inner thighs will definitely add to the overall tone and shape of the legs. These exercises can be done at home without any special equipment or the use of machines.
Try adding them to a circuit routine by substituting repetitions for seconds or minutes. Dumbbells and ankle weights can also be added for additional resistance. As a bonus, many of these exercises will also work your glutes, quads, and abs.
1. Sumo Squats
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your toes pointing outward. Keeping your torso straight, squat down until your butt is lower than your knees, then rise up keeping the weight in your heels. Be sure to keep your knees and toes aligned the entire time. You can hold dumbbells for added resistance. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
2. Lateral Lunges
Stand with your feet together. Step to the left about shoulder width from the right leg. Squat down over left leg while keeping torso straight and knees and toes aligned. The right leg should remain extended with no bend at the knee. Repeat on the right side. You can hold a dumbbell for added resistance. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
3. Inner Thigh Leg Lifts
Lie on your left side resting your head on your hand or arm. Bend the top leg and cross it over the bottom leg to rest on the floor. Extend the bottom leg and lift it slowly as high as you can then slowly lower it back down. Try to keep your torso still to isolate the inner thigh. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions on each side.
4. Scissor Jacks
This is basically a jumping jack but instead of jumping your feet together, you will cross them while scissoring your arms in front of you. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms extended straight out at your sides with the palms facing down. Jump your feet together crossing the right over the left while also crossing your right arm over your left arm in front of you. Jump back to starting position and repeat crossing opposite feet and arms. Continue alternating for 20-25 repetitions.
5. Bridge with Squeeze
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip distance apart. Place a rolled-up towel, pillow, ball, or yoga block between your knees. Keeping your arms at your sides, raise your hips to create a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. While raised, squeeze your pillow or ball 10 times then lower back down. Aim for 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
The inner thighs can be difficult to target, but adding these exercises to your routine can help improve overall leg strength and tone. Try adding two or three of these to your leg day, and you should start seeing results in 4-6 weeks.