Rising up onto the balls of your toes is good for your health.
The simple exercise stimulates blood flow from the feet upwards, helping to protect the body from dangerous blood clots as well as aching legs, cold feet and other circulatory problems.
As a secondary benefit, the exercise helps prevent varicose veins, too.
Standing up on your toes also tones up your calf muscles, eases tension and refreshes you generally.
The simple movement is a painless way to keep in top form, so do it whenever you can. Try these eight opportunities below and you’ll soon get in the habit.
1. While waiting for the kettle to boil
Every time you put the kettle on or set the microwave going, use the waiting time to limber up, going up on your toes and maybe stretching your arms and body upwards, too. Your simple stretches will prepare your body for a sedentary period as you eat or drink your refreshments.
2. While standing in a queue
When you’re waiting at a bus stop or queuing to make a purchase, roll up and down on your toes every minute or two. If anyone notices, they’ll realise you’re just having a stretch and saving your legs from aching.
3. While chatting
Next time you stop to chat with a friend in the street, take the opportunity to stand on tiptoe. Your friend will be impressed by your tall, upright figure, and if you explain your little habit and its benefits, they may do the same. Do the same while chatting on the phone.
4. While watching TV
If you’re settling down to watch television, don’t get too comfy. Your body needs regular movement, so pull yourself to your feet now and again, then up onto your toes, and follow your TV program from that position a while.
5. While waiting for your bath to run
It takes a few minutes to run a bath, so why not take this opportunity to do some gentle exercises, including rising up on your toes and walking like a ballet dancer.
6. While waiting at the school gate
Awaiting someone’s arrival, such as that of your child at the school gate, provides an ideal opportunity to rock to and fro on your feet. Rise up on your toes and back down again, then shift your weight from one foot to the other as a variation, giving the free one a shake.
7. Before getting into bed
Make a habit of doing a few stretching exercises before bed each night. Your lose nightwear will make the activity easy and relaxing. Be sure to include the movement of standing on tiptoe, perhaps walking around the bedroom in that posture, or holding the position for half a minute.
8. As you get out of bed
Start each morning with some bends and stretches to freshen up after your night’s rest. Walk on the balls of your toes as you prepare yourself for the day and feel the warm flow of your revitalised circulation.
Walking on tiptoe is such a simple exercise that it’s hard to believe in its great benefits.
But once you take up the routine, you may be surprised how rejuvenating you find it. For best results, wear low-heeled shoes – if any – and relax.